This is an endless flying game where you see how many bright objects you can collect before running into an obstacle. Fill up your Pixie Power meter to hit the bonus level and score extra points fast.
This game pits your lone rescue airplane against a relentless army based on the ground and sky. Fight off as many enemy operatives as possible while saving as many trapped civilians as you can.
This is a 6-level horizontal shoot ’em up spaceship game with around a dozen different exciting enemies and a similar number of power ups including score multiplier, damage multiplier, invincibility, increased gun strength, and more. Score many points consecutively with a high score multiple to beat the game’s high score.
This is a vertical space ship shooting game. Shoot down as many enemy spaceships as you can. Improve your chances of survival by picking up powerups.
This is a flying battle and evasion game set in war-torn skies. Fly your plane in enemy territory and avoid their rockets for as long as possible.
This is a simple vertical obstacle avoidance game. Steer the spaceship away from the meteors for as long as you can.
This is an endless space flying survival game where you must create a path which enables you to evade other spaceships until you can destroy them.
This is a 2D vertical flyer game set in outer space. Take out as many meteoroids and enemy ships for as long as you can. Collect power ups to equip yourself with more powerful weapons.
This is a spelling game for kids where they learn how to spell common words in the English language by looking at a picture and then shooting asteroids with letters on them to spell out the word.
This is a simple yet challenging tapping game where you must control the speed of a rocket ship. Time each of your moves so the rocket gets past the moving gates without crashing.